RDCH 702: Radiochemistry

Nuclear reaction notation is introduced. Reaction energetics, mechanisms and types are described. Nuclear reaction cross sections and their use are described. The stellar production of elements is presented in terms of nuclear reactions. The role of nuclear reactions is discussed and evaluated. The different processes involved in the formation of isotopes is provided. The relationship between nuclear and chemical properties is presented. Stellar nucleosynthesis of elements if discussed in terms of the presented nuclear reactions. This lecture is in two parts. The first section is 35 minutes and the second section is 31 minutes. The lecture is assigned 12 September 2018 and due 24 September 2018.

Lecture notes

PowerPoint Audio


PowerPoint Part 1
PowerPoint Part 2

MPEG4 Part 1
MPEG4 Part 2

PDF quiz (download to computer before answering)
PDF Quiz 3 Answers

Additional web links

  1. Nucleosynthesis
  2. Nucleosynthesis (physics hypertext)
  3. Triple alpha process
  4. S-process
  5. R-process
  6. Element origin overview
  7. rp-process
  8. Photonuclear Reactions
  9. Nuclear Reactions
  10. Q value and Coulomb calculation
  1. Nuclear reaction overview
  2. Nuclear reactions and cross sections
  3. Nuclear reaction energetics
  4. P-process abundances
  5. P-process
  6. IAEA nuclear reaction handbook
  7. Q value calculator
  8. Spallation Reactions
  9. Coulomb barrier
  10. Center of Mass

last update:  Monday, 3 September, 2018